Setting up linux for programming (debian)

Here is a setup file provided for the beginner debian or ubuntu based linux users so that they can setup their linux for programming for the first time without hopping from site to site

Setting up linux for programming (debian)

Here is a bash file which will help you to setup your linux (debian, ubuntu) for programming.

Basically it installs Python2 and 3, Java, C/C++ compiler, important python modules, VS Code installation.

It also install Edge browser for browsing and megaSync for cloud works.


Just copy and paste the command below in terminal and done…

  sudo apt install git
  git clone
  cd linux-setup
  sudo chmod +x

and that’s it, you are all set with your linux for programming, go on and build extremely unique and make the world think of you.

Don’t forget to get your desired extension for VS Code to run your code for desirably.

Soon you will get a setup file for other distributions too and I will also modify the debian one time to time when required.

We support open source do you. With linux the user have power not the organisation.


You can also download a .zip or a .tar file from the following link which leds you to the releases of the project


If any bug or any issue is faced during the Installation process let me know, you can just mail me the issue at or raise the issue in my repo of the same project.

I would be happy to help you.

Editing my Repo

My project is under MIT License. So, you can just make any changes in the repos just don’t violet any License Rules.